welcome to the 8th International Tuebingen Symposium on Pediatric Solid Tumors „Neuroblastoma“. As in previous years we are delighted to welcome physicians and scientists from all over the world in Tuebingen. After we had to cancel the meeting two years ago, we are now happy to host our traditional Symposium once again.
Growing experience and recent findings in the field of neuroblastoma emphasize the need for accumulation of knowledge and for a profound cooperation between the different specializations. As it has become a tradition for our meeting, leading international experts on pediatric neuroblastoma (Oncology, Surgery, Radiology, Pathology, Radio-Oncology, and Biology) will be present at the 8th Tuebingen Symposium. Their contributions will assure an outstanding scientific value of the event. Over the years the Tuebingen Symposium on Pediatric Solid Tumors has become recognized as a comprehensive and sustainable meeting, which not only prevails through its scientific standard based on an interdisciplinary approach, but which also emerges because of its character and the cordial atmosphere at the different social events.
We are looking forward to an exciting meeting with fruitful discussions and new insights into the field of neuroblastoma.
Prof. Jörg Fuchs & Prof. Peter Lang
Congress Chairs